
National Volunteer Week: Chamber Ambassadors

Written by Greater Green Bay Chamber | Apr 22, 2024 7:00:00 PM


Happy National Volunteer Week! Established in 1974, this week recognizes the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers. The Greater Green Bay Chamber is fortunate to have many groups of volunteers that dedicate their time and talents to making our programs great. We are excited to feature these individuals in a special blog miniseries published this week. Today, learn more about the Greater Green Bay Chamber Ambassadors through a short Q&A with Joe Malcore, chairperson of the group, and Liz Krumwiede, 2023 Ambassador of the Year.

About the Greater Green Bay Chamber Ambassadors

Greater Green Bay Chamber Ambassadors serve as a liaison between the Chamber and its members. This volunteer role serves as a resource for both members and nonmembers, answering questions about the work of the Chamber, helping promote member businesses, networking at various events and sharing in members’ celebrations, by participating in ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings. The current 28 ambassadors from organizations across our community are an extension of the Chamber membership staff’s strategy of membership outreach and retention.

When did you become a Chamber Ambassador?

Joe: "I became an Ambassador in 2018."

Liz: "I joined the Ambassadors in September of 2022."

Why did you decide to become a Chamber Ambassador?

Joe: "Having been raised in a family business with a legacy spanning over a century, staying informed about new business ventures and forging connections with other local leaders and non-profit organizations in northeast Wisconsin is deeply important to me."

Liz: "I had recently moved to Green Bay, and I wanted to get more involved in the local community. It was also an opportunity for me to share House of Hope’s mission and commitment to collaboration. I hoped to grow my personal and professional network, develop new relationships, and identify opportunities to work together. I have gotten to do all of that—and more—as an Ambassador!

What are your duties as the chairperson of the Chamber Ambassadors?

Joe: "I guide a dynamic team of over 30 local leaders, all dedicated to welcoming organizations to our business community and fostering professional growth and development through networking. My responsibilities primarily involve chairing monthly meetings, collaborating with Chamber staff on strategic initiatives in line with Ambassador objectives, and making sure our team effectively engages with both new and current Ambassador members."

How would you describe your experience as a Chamber Ambassador?

Joe: "Serving as a Chamber Ambassador allows me to connect with local entrepreneurs, business leaders, and dedicated volunteers, all united in their commitment to make Green Bay one of the best communities to live in."

Liz: "The main purpose of an Ambassador is to serve as a liaison between the Chamber and its members. This means reaching out to new and existing members to make sure they understand their membership benefits and encourage their active engagement with the Chamber. I really enjoy getting to see people’s passion in action and hearing the stories behind the business. It’s also rewarding and fun to help celebrate members’ accomplishments at ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings, and special events."

What has been your favorite memory/moment as a Chamber Ambassador?

Joe: "Beyond participating in ribbon-cutting ceremonies, groundbreaking events, and a host of networking gatherings, I particularly enjoy the Annual Business Recognition Luncheon. It's a moment of pride for those involved in small and family-owned businesses—which account for 99% of all enterprises—to witness their hard work and dedication being celebrated for excellence. The joy and satisfaction on their faces during these recognitions is something I truly treasure."

Liz: "I was deeply honored to be named the 2023 Ambassador of the Year. I will never forget the morning when Chamber staff surprised me with the news at my office. Being an Ambassador has been a more rewarding experience than I ever would have imagined, and it’s helped me grow so much. I am grateful for the relationships I’ve developed because of the Chamber."

What would you say to someone interested in becoming a Chamber Ambassador?

Joe: "If you're passionate about networking with local professionals and eager for direct engagement with community leaders, this presents an excellent opportunity within the Greater Green Bay Chamber."

Liz: "The Ambassadors are a welcoming and supportive group. If you want to showcase your organization, become a networking guru, support our community’s economic development, and have tons of fun, consider becoming an Ambassador!"