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Golden Apple Awards

Each year, the Greater Green Bay Chamber’s Golden Apple Awards program strives to improve the awareness of the quality of education in the Greater Green Bay area. We do so by recognizing high standards of professionalism, leadership and innovation in teaching. 

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Future 15

The Future 15 young professional awards were created as a way to honor those who advance the mission of Current Young Professionals by profiling best practices that could be adopted by other local individuals and organizations.

Additionally, Current sought to recognize area young professionals in our community who are achieving noteworthy accomplishments and contributing to the overall quality of life in Greater Green Bay.



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Current Week

CurrentWeek is a week-long opportunity for young professionals to explore and engage with their community by sharing ideas, fostering collaboration and making meaningful connections with other YPs.

This week provides a forum for educating and engaging people of all ages on the importance and impact of YPs on Greater Green Bay’s growth, development and evolution as a place people want to live, work and play.

This annual event is always held in May, is free for CYP Members and guests may attend for a small fee. 


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Leaders Luncheon

This annual Current Young Professionals event brings together community leaders and young professionals in a celebration of programming accomplishments from the past year. Invited community leaders are placed at each table to allow an opportunity for young professionals to meet and interact.

Additionally, leaders are provided an opportunity to learn about the needs of area young professionals.

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Find Your Inspiration

This event exposes area students and educators to different industries and career fields in the Greater Green Bay Area.

The experience can guide students as they prepare to sign up for high school and/or college classes and determine a pathway to their dream jobs--whether through a four-year degree and beyond, the military, an apprenticeship or an on-the-job training pathway.